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Prime minister Rishi Sunak just stood up at the national Conservative party conference and declared that there is no such thing as a Trans Person, that a man is a man and a woman is a woman and that that is "Common Sense"
H has just give a license to every right wing Neo Nazi thug to go out on the street and attack innocent people who they might sort of believe looks like they might be trans

Fucking Homophobic, hate mongering fucking bastard!

LenHazell53 9 Oct 4

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A disgracefully ignorant outburst which should deter people voting for conservative government.

Welllll....except far too many of them have chosen transsexual people as TARGETS....and they'll be happy as the proverbial pig in the proverbial excrement to have yet another candidate who represents them!


My sentiments, exactly, Len! I've known three trans women and am delighted they've had help/counsel/surgery to finally live in their body!


I'm afraid I agree with him. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

And your "Solution" would be?

@LenHazell53 Tolerance, but not to the detriment of reality.

People are not there to be tolerated, so long as they are harming no one, acceptance is the path

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