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Last week I was at my breaking point with my job. I made the decision that I was going to have to change my attitude, because my health and relationships were being affected, or I was going to have to look for other work. I did really well this week. I accomplished a lot even though my phone was turned off at the end of the workday, and I did not do any work at home. In fact, I beat my husband home from work once this week (that has not happened in forever.) I decided that I love my job and if I could change my attitude that maybe I could keep my job and be okay. Well, yesterday I made the decision it is time to look for a new work. My supervisor announced that she was leaving our organization. That alone was upsetting, but then it was announced that I would be the “go to” person until they were able to fill the position. I wasn’t asked if I wanted this responsibility and no pay increase was divulged. I immediately told my supervisor that I will not take on a supervisory role. I don’t want to do the job and I most certainly am not going to be taken advantage of financially. I have today off and so I took the time this morning to clean up my resume. So far, I have applied for 3 jobs. Just making the decision to look for new work has made me feel a lot better.

Browneyedlady 7 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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You'll never know what's in store if you don't look.... Keep pressing forward (I am not saying it will be easy, you still have to carry the ball forward)


All the best and congratulations on making a positive decision.

Thank you

@Browneyedlady good luck!


Why don't you start working for yourself ? It is so much more enjoyable and satisfying. Check with hubbie first for his support.. You have my full support.

In my profession it would difficult to work for myself. My "hubbie", whom I generally regard to as my husband or partner already supports what I do. He just wants me to be happy.

As do I, was just a suggestion as I do not know what it is that you do ??


Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Seriously, I admire your gumption. That takes some big ovaries to make such a leap of faith.



We work to live, not the other way around. Best of luck in your job search.

vita Level 7 May 4, 2018

Thank you

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