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I hope people understand how serious this is.
"Meme-maker Douglass Mackey was sentenced in New York criminal court on Wednesday after a March conviction for conspiracy against rights, ie election interference, over memes he created during the 2016 presidential election that disparaged Hillary Clinton. Mackey was sentenced to 7 months in prison for the crime of making memes the DOJ didn’t think were funny."
This is new legal precedent. Governments come and go but laws stay. So who's to say if Trump got in again he would not be directing his DoJ to target Trump meme makers? Will it make you think twice before posting a meme? Because that's the idea.

puff 8 Oct 20

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He didn't get prosecuted for making memes. I remind you again that most of us here aren't stupid.

The court obviously thinks you (public) are, feeling the need to prosecute because stupid Hillary supporters might have thought they could vote via text, denying their right (how?) to actually vote..


The "memes" were Instructions on how to vote by texting.......AS IF it was legal and would work, which is total BS.
Equating this to "censorship" is ridiculous and just foolish!

@FvckY0u and you are implying they shouldn't???????
Sorry, you are being very waffle-y.

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