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Fair & Balanced ?

HankHunter13 7 Oct 24

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Regardless of who is doing it, killing civilians is wrong. These two groups have been fighting for 70 years. They'll keep fighting until either one side or the other is utterly destroyed.


Do you support Hamas? Just curious.

Ryo1 Level 8 Oct 25, 2023

of course not. i support the palestinians

I was under the impression that you supported Hamas. I thought you were going along with what the meme says "Yet, I'm supposed to first condemn the Hamas attacks before voicing my opposition to this slaughter." I thought you were saying what the meme says is fair and balanced. Seems I was mistaken.


Hamas are a fucked up group of psychopaths. So are Likud and their Knesset allies. Palestinians and Israelis on the other hand might be much better people. I guess I’m supposed to throw in with someone or I support genocide or something. Sounds crazy to me.

When you get round to saying that US Democrats & Republicans "are a fucked up group of psychopaths. So are Likud and their Knesset allies. Palestinians and Israelis on the other hand might be much better people. I guess I’m supposed to throw in with someone or I support genocide or something."
Then we may realise that you have ceased to be in denial & are facing reality. Only then can you starte to work out what you need to do to correct the situation and state that you are starting to talk sense not crazy..

@FrayedBear What would Putin do? Rub them out in the outhouse?

@Scott321 wtf has Putin got to do with it?a

@FrayedBear Very surprised you of all people failed to get the reference. That comment was anti-terrorist no?

““We will pursue the terrorists everywhere. You will forgive me, but if we catch them on the toilet, we will wipe them out in the outhouse,” he said in September in what for most Russians is his most memorable quote.”

“Putin has become most identified here and in the West with Russia’s latest war against Chechen separatists. The conflict appears to be more brutal and ruthless than the 1994-96 Chechen war that damaged Yeltsin’s reputation, and it has Russians feeling like winners again.”

Perhaps a very ironic blind spot for you given your biases.

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