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Would you be willing to move out of the city and into a healthier farming lifestyle?

BillHenderson 4 May 4

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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I have never really lived in a large city, so I would not know what that is like. I have lived in the country, and rural areas, which are nice, but I like the convenience of a city to do shopping and getting out of what I see every day


Nice animals.


While not a fan of cities, I enjoy smaller satellite towns. You get all the benefits of a city, as they are amazing. But you don't have to deal with as much of the intensity. I like the ability to walk to a local bar, but with out worrying about a city full of cars between my watering hole and home.

So no, I wouldn't want to be a farmer. I like the nightlife, I like to boogy. I genuinely like people in careful regular doses.


Maybe later when I will earn enough money


Nope, I like where I live for the most part.


Also Healthy Magazine. I'm actually surprised. Though this one seems to give a more balanced look at both settings (um, perhaps just because I can read the whole thing), its end conclusion is also that rural living is higher in the five top causes of death.


So the Wall Street Journal article, which I can only read the very beginning of because I'm not a subscriber, suggests maybe not...


Is farming definitively healthier? I'm only asking because I'm terrified of ticks. I love hiking in nature, except during tick season. Which is weird, because I love vampire stories. Ha ha! I mean, there's pollution in the city, but then there's methane in the country, especially around farms. Is this a definite thing? Like, scientifically studied? Okay, now I'm going to google that.

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