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A second Trump term would be nearly insurmountable for democracy and the American system of governance.

"When someone shows you who they really are, believe them the first time."—Maya Angelou

Democrats love to form circular firing squads.

We simply ask you to take a moment to reflect upon the following who/what is the existential challenge facing us as we prepare for 2024.

The odds on favorite right now for the Republican Party nomination for President is Donald Trump, and its probable that many, if not most, within that party up and down the ticket will be in lock step with his plans:

A second Trump term would be nearly insurmountable for democracy and the American system of governance. Several D.C.-area right-wing think tanks are currently working on “Project 2025,” consisting of executive orders and tactics for political revenge in anticipation of a Trump victory, pushing aside the Federalist Society as too squishy/moderate and too enamored of the rule of law.

Trump’s allies are drafting plans enabling Trump—or any other Republican—to invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, if any opportunity arises. (Read: any public display protesting him or his policies.)

Those same forces are putting millions of dollars into recruiting tens of thousands of MAGA loyalists to insert in all levels of the Federal Government—especially the Department of Justice—in a "purge" that's normally associated with totalitarian regimes. These loyalists will in essence—or possibly in action—sign an oath to a person—Trump or another Republican President—not the Constitution. This sequence of events is not without historical precedent. Hitler demanded the same of his DOJ, and only one official resigned rather than sign that oath of allegiance.

It's our job to help make sure this doesn't happen.

We can’t defend the gains we have made, prevent the end of American democracy, and increase our progressive presence in Congress without your help, both in time and treasure. Please volunteer and donate today.

When someone shows you who they really are, believe them the first time, and act accordingly.

All our tomorrows depend on your actions today.


nogod4me 8 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I WOULD like to share this, but given the impossibility of providing proof, cannot do so. I am afraid; very afraid.


You know how Trump got in the first time? Obama's presidency didn't set the world on fire (debatable in a literal sense) and Hillary Clinton was a horrendous candidate.
You know how Trump will win the second time? Bidens presidency legacy (I'll say no more about Genocide Joe) and Biden is a horrendous candidate. Biden only won first time on a single issue; I'm not Trump and was able to pull that off due to covid eg no campaigning.

Direct your blame to where it deserves to be directed, at the DNC. Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump in 2016. The DNC have no primary debates to choose a 2024 candidate, not very democratic is it? Trying to get a candidate removed from the ballot, not very democratic is it?

"Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do"

puff Level 8 Nov 30, 2023

I don't agree. Trump is a Hitler wannabe.

@nogod4me Very plausible but that is not my point. My point is the DNC has been hijacked by some to the detriment of the Democratic party and supporter base as a whole. It is they and their actions that are making Trump seem not only a viable option, but the preferred option to many. In a normal world a president of Trump's caliber would be laughable.
Self reflection is needed badly if Democrats wish to defeat Trump. Every time I mention this you get the old MAGA lover or Russian troll/ Putin's puppet slander to stifle debate.
The fact the DNC is refusing to allow presidential candidate debates during the primary season, the very cornerstone of democracy is debating, should be enough alone to indicate that something is very wrong with the DNC. Admit that Biden was not the best candidate. Self reflection.
Recent events have shown your "democracy" is very heavily influenced by the Israeli lobby, a foreign entity promoting it's own interests at the expense of American interests. Both parties bow to Israel with the new speaker, 3rd in line after Biden and Harris, prioritizing his first call of business to provide Israel with support. A pledge to support Israeli values, not American.
Trump is a concern but your constitution was well written, all that need be done is follow it. The big problem here though is that the Patriot Act removed many checks and balances. Push your politicians to get rid of this "temporary" legislation as it damages American democracy far more than anything else, giving unaccountable power to the machine that grids on regardless of any politician or party.

I didn't vote for Biden in 2020 because I loved Biden so much. I voted for him because he wasn't Trump and in 2024 he still won't be Trump. Even if Biden doesn't run in 2024 I don't think its possible for the DNC to come up with a candidate worse than Trump.

Absolutely, the Democrats could do a lot of things better. I wish they had the aggressiveness and determination that many Republicans seem to have.

The U.S. Constitution isn't bulletproof. Amendments can be added and repealed. The Republicans know how to stack the deck in their favor with gerrymandering and the electoral college and voter suppression.

@Charles1971 I am fairly confident history will view Biden as far worse than Trump as a presidential term. Genocide Joe, the destroyer of Nord Stream.
Both are very unlikable but by pure numbers, Joe is worse on all counts eg name one area where Biden has out performed Trump? I can't think of one, even deaths from Covid were worse and the "vaccine" wasn't around in Trump's time with more deadly variants kicking around.
And the DNC did come up with a candidate worse than Trump. Her name was Hillary Clinton. Now that is one psycho bitch (my bias shown here) I will never forget her watching and giggling with glee as Ghaddafi was buggered to death with his golden pistol. All others in the room were horrified. Her greatest accomplishment, the destruction of Libya (with NATO help) causing mass migration to Europe and open slave markets in Libya.
If democrat I would vote RFK Jr. He is not perfect but better than both Trump and Biden and it would be my way of sending a clear message to the DNC to reform themselves.

@puff In the U.S. there were about 6.5 million Covid deaths in 2020 but that was the only year of the pandemic that Trump was president. So, of course there were more Covid deaths while Biden was president. 2021 and the first half of 2022 were the height of the pandemic. This wasn't Biden's fault. If anything, Trumps repeated de-emphasis of the threat of Covid and lack of response were far more damaging than anything Biden did or did not do concerning the pandemic. Trump claimed the Covid would just go away.

I'm not sure where you get "Genocide Joe" from.

Why is Trump worse? From the very beginning he constantly lied. He publicly mocked a handcapped man. He bragged about sexually assaulting women. He created a fake university that cheated thousands of people out of money. He cheated on his first wife, his second wife, and his third wife. He cheated on his third wife with a porn star and then tried to cover it up. He repeatedly said that Mexico would pay for the wall. They did not. We did and it cost us billions of dollars. The wall never actually got built.

Trump condemned Obama for taking too many vacations and then Trump went golfing more than 250 times during his presidency. Trump said he'd repeal the ACA and replace it with something much better. That never happened. He promised a big tax cut that would save most people thousands of dollars each year. Instead he gave a big tax cut to the rich that added $2 trillion to the deficit.

Trump promised to eliminate the federal deficit but instead increased it by over 60%. He said he'd "drain the swamp" and hire only the best people. Instead, most of his cabinet was fired, quit, or were arrested.

Trump promised to fix the trade deficit with China. Instead he started a trade war that hurt the U.S.

Trump repeatedly praised authoritarian dictators and defended and excused neo-Nazis and white supremacists. He insulted our allies and worsened our relationships with many countries.

And then there's the Jan 6th attack on the capital and all of the court cases Trump is currently involved in.

And all of this doesn't even come close to covering how awful of a president and human being that Trump has shown himself to be.

@Charles1971 Yes all true and I don't support Trump as I believe he is also psychopathic. I was not talking personality but the more standard measures of a presidency. Economics and stability. Foreign standing. History will tell.
The big thing with Biden when he came in was a promise of unity because the "adults" were back in charge. What a joke that has turned out to be as the states are now more divided than ever. I believe it would have been far better to ignore Trump altogether and he would have faded into obscurity as the one trick pony all conmen are. Instead you cannot deny he has been persecuted with multiple lawsuits being dragged up that should have been bought years ago, before he even ran for president, they are that old. At the same time, the Biden family has been protected by law enforcement. This is obvious to non-Americans who follow American politics eg how holders of classified documents are treated, it seems from afar that democratic senators (Biden and Clinton) are treated very different than a Republican president even though presidents have far more leeway than VP's and SoStates.
We have the same problem in Australia eg the two party system is no longer working for the people. We keep getting the same shit globalist policies which is disadvantageous to those they are meant to represent. Both parties contain the same shit, just with different wrappers.
It will all come to a head next financial crash I think, from which the $USD will never regain its former status. Bad news for Australia as we have tied ourselves badly to the US economy so we will go down with you. I think the dominance of the 2 party system will crumble at the same time. What happens next? Hard times but hopefully a more equitable system emerges afterward, a multipolar world where the few no longer dictate and drive world affairs.
The big problem with the US I feel is everything is always someone else's fault, everything and always. To me it is so obvious that the Patriot Act has ruined America, taking liberties with increased surveillance, legalising torture and allowing the Pentagon to do what it likes with Zero accountability. This Act was introduced to fight a "war on terror" which was officially declared over some time ago, so why is this Act still in play?
Does crack me up with all the angst in America with disproven foreign interference from Russia, yet look how Israel directs government business in the states right now but that foreign influence is acceptable.
I said at the time Nord Stream would be the trigger for the downfall of USA homogony in this world, sending Europe backwards and rallying the Russian population behind Putin, which was far less previous to this incident because of Ukraine, before it was blown up by a state actor (all agree on that because of technical aspects needed). The US stated intention, had motive and gained from the crime. "Plausible deniability" did not cut it this time as the denial was not plausible to any eg the first cry was "Russia did it" and all saw through that.
Trump was not good but the Biden/ Harris admin has been an absolute disaster. I can say Trump will romp it in in 2024 without supporting him as it is an observation and prediction, not something I wish for. Biden will not run for sure and I don't see a viable successor for the Democrats atm and time is running out which is why I say Trump will win. I also think RFK Jr will come second and the Democrat nominee third, which in the long run is good for democrats as it will force them to reform the party hierarchy.
Just my 2 cents worth

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