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On the topic of conspiracies… Do you believe in "conspiracies"? No, we're not asking if you believe in little green "foreign visitors"... That's another subject altogether! cool

So, are you a "conspiracy theorist"? Answer these 3 questions and find out.

Do you believe that the surge of people who have “died suddenly” is due to climate change?
Do you believe that chemotherapy is the best treatment for cancer?
Do you believe that Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President Kennedy?
In a recent poll, 87.4% of the respondents answered “NO” to at least one of the questions above, which (according to the “mainstream media&rdquo😉 qualifies them as “conspiracy theorists.” And if you answered “NO” to any of the above questions, then you are too! smiley

1patriot 8 Dec 1

Enjoy being online again!

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No (never heard that one before)
Depends on individual case

puff Level 8 Dec 1, 2023

i said no on all them but they are loaded question as the first one should get no for every one!

@1patriot It was after the Kennedy assassination that "conspiracy theory" first became vogue.

@puff yes i have read that a few times as well, the CIA needed a way to shut down the flaws that were produced along the way.

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