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NEW ARTICLE: Slovakia rejects signing the WHO Pandemic Treaty - Newly Elected Prime Minister Robert Fico speech that shocked the world:

Fico calls WHO Pandemic Treaty "nonsense invented by greedy pharma companies"

I provide exact translation of the speech that shocked the globalists (I was born in Slovakia and speak the language)

"If someone had a different opinion about vaccination against COVID-19, they were “dangerous to society”.

The media openly wrote, as you all remember, and I’m quoting right now: “that every unvaccinated person should squeal from pain like a pig. It is necessary to use force if someone rejects the policy of the needle”

One study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccination with untested experimental vaccines.

In the same way, I also very clearly declare, that SMER Slovakian Social Democracy (the ruling political party) will NOT support the strengthening of World Health Organization’s powers at the expense of sovereign states in managing battles against pandemics.

I will say that such nonsense could only have been invented by greedy pharmaceutical companies which began to perceive the resistance of certain governments against mandatory vaccination."

This is a major development and it has dramatic global implications.

Here is a Head of State, a Prime Minister of a European country, who is openly calling out greedy pharmaceutical companies as being behind the nonsensical WHO Pandemic Treaty, as well as calling out the “scandalous consequences of mass vaccination”.

This is what he said: “One study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccination with untested experimental vaccines.”

There is no other head of state in the world who has had the guts to say this publicly and so explicitly - that these were "untested" and "experimental" jabs

  • he is also the first head of state in the world to speak out against mandatory vaccinations, and abuses of the unvaccinated.

And if the Leader of a small European country, formerly East European Communist block, has the guts to stand up against corrupt globalist entities like WHO, WEF and the European Union leadership, that opens the door for others to find the courage

Slovakia is leading the world out of the dark ages of biological warfare by the pharmaceutical industry and globalist institutions like the WHO & WEF, in a move that is seen as completely unexpected and shocking.

They were not ready for this!

In my article, I provide the translation of his speech, as well as the political background of the recent election in Slovakia that brought Prime Minister Robert Fico to power.

He has also extensively called out corruption of the Ukrainian government and the financial aid that goes to Ukraine - calls it "maybe the biggest corruption in the world"

He also intends to investigate the scandalous activities of the previous government during the pandemic including "the financial side of extensive, often completely nonsensical purchases medical devices and vaccines."

If only our politicians would find even a fraction of this kind of courage to do the same!

Special thanks to
for his tremendous work on this and a very good initial translation.

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