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The origin of circumcision, was evil religious beliefs dating back to the Egyptian mystery religion, it has only recently been "medicalized' telling men they are dirty if they never got the procedure. Pedophilia by any other name..... is still pedophilia.

Jewish Rabbi: Talmud Commands Sucking Baby's Penis After Circumcision


1patriot 7 Dec 10

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What "mystery religion"?


The origin of it is nothing to do with religion, but practical realities of living in sandy places with little water. There are places the sand gets into where it causes trouble and nasty infections due to abrasion. This was then tied into religions and spread to places where it isn't necessary.

Exactly. I have been saying this for years. But how can one assume proper hygiene is practiced if one is having sex with an intact man? One can't. Thusly one must be very selective or examine closely. I practiced the former.

@Mooolah the author of this much read blog had a huge problem with the pain caused by insensitive circumcised men. The discovery of painfree enjoyable sex with someone not circumcised resulted in her researching & writing the following blog. . . Now that is what I call an intelligent open mind!
Enjoy the read read -


@FrayedBear Still reading........

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