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The problem with evolution and Christianity.
If evolution is true and it is.
What does this mean for the Christianity?

  1. no adam or eve
  2. if there no adam or eve there was no fall
  3. if there was no fall there no need for Jesus.
  4. if there was no Jesus no need for Christianity.

Words for though

Rdurham 5 May 5

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I’ve now felt I understand the need for a personal ‘safe place.’ Perhaps a fantasy.. for times of trauma … if pretending there’s a reason, or purpose for the hardships we endure. But to take it public, to force it on humanity as fact, to indoctrinate children, to hold it above other fantasies - then fight over their legitimacy or supremacy is beyond the rights of anyone.

I think it was a ‘family guy’ cartoon episode where they’d landed in a futuristic world. Why? Because ‘there’d been no religion.’ I suspect we’ve all wondered ‘how far we’d be’ had organized religions not constantly fought the advancement of science order to maintain their supremacy through incredible lies… And yes, observable, verifiable reality blows their childish fantasies to smithereens … thus they plug their ears - close their eyes, turn away and bumble off muttering the gibberish you’ve listed..

Varn Level 8 May 5, 2018

I was brought up Christian, and it was never once suggested to me that there was anything wrong with the idea of evolution.

@RobWard There are heaps of Christians who don't take the bible literally. Possibly not many in the USA, though.


Not just Christianity. All the Abrahamic religions falter against not just evolution of species (On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection) but by all forensic science and history. Forensic science has shone light into all the dark places that were once occupied by the gods of gaps. So Judaism, Christianity and Islam fail in the light of knowledge and truth.

We know that the creation story is a myth. We know that life did not pop up with some clay and ribs etc. We know that the flood described in the Babble did not happen as the many many cultures thriving around the world at the time just didn't notice the 3 miles of water above them at all and carried on with their lives.

So if just these three are not true and the books for all three faiths state they are then it follows that the rest of the book and the religion it spawned is utter clap trap.

From forensic history we can see that the Torah came about plagarised from the Enuma Elish and Epic of Gilgamesh spiced up with Egyptian dogma and with side helpings of creative writing to include local history and if you look at the Torah and its Babble offspring you can see it makes more sense in the context of a pantheon of gods rather than the single deity of Yahweh who was the Babylonian God of War. This is why he is such a nasty vengeful misogynistic horror.

As for Jesus. There is no historical record of this person existing outside of the Babble and we have detailed notes from that period of sales of goats, slaves etc so you think someone might have mentioned it in their writings.

Jesus is what is known as a solar messiah.

Brilliant, thank you ~


As a former fundamentalist I can tell you this is why fundamentalist are so threatened by science. They feel threatened by atheist and agnostics as we do not accept mythology as real. You have hit on a core issue in the debate but more importantly the cause of the debate.


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4 yes

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