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Well, well, so you may be one of the 93%.

Jolanta 9 Dec 18

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Men are just crap, aren't we?

Actually, I've always been able to read maps.

I'm a great navigator, but my son didn't inherit that gene. Poor baby called me one time years ago, before GPS, only had mapquest directions, an hour and a half into his trip, wondering how much longer until his exit.... he had been driving south rather than north on the interstate, so missed his event totally. We are so much better off with GPS!


At 11, I became the map reader for the family, mainly because if I didn't sit in the front seat I got carsick.....


The old paper maps were only as useful as there were road signs that said where we actually were and what direction we were heading. It was hard to read the maps and the road signs all while in a moving car or worse, while driving!

Best to have a passenger designated as "navigator" and then that navigator usually spent several minutes folding the map back its original creases to conserve space!

I remember reading a map once upon a time when my then husband and myself were in the south of France. It was just so difficult.

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