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Are you willing to let go of what is no longer necessary in your life?

Jolanta 9 Dec 24

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Necessary is a very subjective term
My eldest is always wanting me to throw stuff out calling it clutter, but is always grateful when they ring up and ask
"Hey Dad do you have a (whatever)" and I do.

Yeah but can you find whatever. I never seem to when I need it.

True I live in chaos, but it is organised chaos, so yes I can find what I want most of the time

@LenHazell53 That is great. My friends say that my house has a feel of charming chaos. They are probably wanting to be nice.


Romantically , it's no longer necessary for me to have a partner in my life. For many years I thought I did, but turns out I'm just fine on my own. I did have hopes of joining together with someone close in my heart, but the way things went, that is likely not going to happen. So, I'm able to let go of that hope, and just be content by myself.

Clutterwise, this is the time of year I'd like to start tossing things out that give me more stress than joy, because they are taking up room, and I enjoy more open space. Thinking I'm ever going to use those things again, is another hope I should let go of.

Closetwise, I've got clothes for which I do not have any occasion to wear, but I have a hard time letting them go. Once in a while I just play dress up, haha! That's when I feel I can let some go, when they no longer look good on me.

I have been a hoarder for many years but am now slowly getting rid of stuff. It took a long time to admit it even to myself that I was a hoarder. Romantically I don't need anyone, would be nice but I am not very good at relationships. I am very happy with my own company. I have friends and family who love me and whom I love, so why complicate life with someone who would I would have to compromise with.


I throw out stuff all the time...some of it intangible.
Not once, Ever, have I wished for whatever it was back, something i keep always always in the forefront of my mind!!!!

I to "throw" out but sometimes I overthink the 'throwing' out far too much.


Sometimes we have no choice in what we let go of.

sadly true

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