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You may like this one. OK its a bit long, he is no picture, and he throws in an advert at the end. But it is a very well composed rant, almost a textbook model of a rant.

Fernapple 9 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Lots to think about there! All true and good responses to questions often posed by theists.

Yes, to go "back to the days of god belief" is not as rosy a place as theists like to believe. Without science more people died of various diseases. It's civil laws and peer reviews of our behavior that nudge us away from selfish or sadistic behavior, not the threat of burning in hell or the alternative reward of 24 hour worship of god in heaven. That's not going to work for many, haha!

Seems to me it is humans who are allowing the suffering and killing to continue to occur, when there are solutions out there, if we just make the right decisions as a society.

This video shows why authoritarian rulers would like to keep their subjects in a "believing without question" attitude.

Reasonable talk like what's in this video is a necessary tool to combat what is going on around us, and we need to speak up articulately like this, rather than the silly memes of atheists eating babies, and such, which do nothing to bring respect to free thinkers.

Two words:
SPANISH INQUISITION ( went on for hundreds of years)
Two more words:

All pretty much to size property and consolidate power.


Religion claimed ownership of morality. What better way to control large groups to their way of thinking.

Betty Level 8 Dec 27, 2023

"Morality" was created by early human tribes to maintain order and strengthen bonds between members.

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