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High-dose Ivermectin shrinks cancer metastases - Dr Justus Hope
By Dr. Frank Yap, MD - January 01, 2024
Recently I reported on a case of Stage IV Colon Cancer that appeared hopeless. The gentleman, Rick, had widespread metastatic disease affecting the liver and lymph nodes and was told his cancer was “unsurvivable.” At most, he had six months left, according to his oncologist.
Following adding Ivermectin, his tumor markers dropped from 1489 to 4.7, and his metastases calcified and shrunk. This was believed due to the anti-metastatic effect of Ivermectin as it suppresses the WnT Pathway, which cancer stem cells rely upon.
Dr. Tess Lawrie recently reported on a case of ovarian metastatic cancer with subsequent involvement of the peritoneum – a common spread area. Despite an initial tumor marker (Ca125) level of 288, following Ivermectin and three (9 weeks) chemotherapy sessions, her Ca125 level dropped to 22. There was a substantial regression with no trace of tumor on the peritoneum.
The surgeon was stupefied. His comment, “It’s remarkable. I didn’t expect that.” Ca125 dropped to 22. Operation decision within 15 days.
Following removing the uterus and ovaries, the surgeon added, “This is extraordinary. No tumor. Some dead cells on the peritoneum that I removed. The biopsy confirmed that everything has gone – Ca125 at 3.”
And now, more case reports are flooding in. Dr. Allan Landrito reported on a colleague of his with terminal gall bladder cancer who added a high dose of daily Ivermectin for some 14 months. At the conclusion, scans reported a complete resolution of her cancer.
Dr. Landrito discussed how this happened. A doctor called him on the radio and asked what the correct dose for Ivermectin would be if someone had cancer. He provided the dose, and she took it for her fist-sized gallbladder cancer.
“[53:43] We have achieved one cure already. It’s a case of gallbladder cancer, and as it so happens, she is a doctor herself.”
“[54:10] I had a chance to meet her on the radio interview. And I told her, “Lenora, Ivermectin has anti-cancer properties. And she asked me how much should I take.” Because she had cancer, but I didn’t know what kind of cancer she had or how terrible her cancer was.
And I said, “The highest you can take, that’s it. There’s no recommendation. Because being a doctor herself, she treated herself. And later on, we learned about what she did.”
Landrito noted she took an extremely high dose for the first few months of 2 mg/kg per day. Although she experienced visual side effects for a few days, they quickly resolved as she grew accustomed to the medication [55:13].
The doctor carefully monitored her liver and kidney function tests to ensure no toxicity. Monthly ultrasound scans revealed consistent shrinkage of the tumor. After 14 months, the ultrasound showed a completely normal scan with “no trace of cancer [56:14].” Creatinine and SGPT testing remained normal throughout the high-dose Ivermectin course of therapy.
As a result of this case, Dr. Landrito has embarked on a study and treatment approach using Ivermectin with encouraging results.
He explained that Ivermectin induces autophagy and apoptosis, death and destruction of cancer cells. He also noted that research shows that Ivermectin alters intracellular chloride concentrations in leukemia cells while preserving mitochondrial membrane potentials [49:41].
Landrito notes this is crucially important as recent evidence shows that cancer is a metabolic disease mediated through mitochondria, not through genetic mutations, as previously thought [49:45].
Thus, Ivermectin can selectively damage cancer cells by preserving mitochondrial health but damaging cancer cell membrane potentials. Landrito explained that poor nutrition likely triggers cancer’s development as it gradually adopts a fermentation pathway. He notes that overnight fasting – 16 hours – can induce autophagy and cancer cell death. However, with the addition of Ivermectin, one does not need to wait 16 hours as the autophagy will begin sooner [52:00]. He is seeing positive results in many of his indigent cancer patient populations.
He has seen other patients with metastatic cancer transform from pain-ridden invalids to carefree and active family members.
He relates the case of Oscar Nacu, a man with a grotesque neck tumor involving canon-ball lung metastases [01:33:53]. After three months of high dose Ivermectin exceeding 2.4 mg/kg per day, the lung metastases shrank, and he no longer required pain medication [01:37:13]. In addition, he walked up to one mile daily and spontaneously sang and danced.
Dr. Shankara Chetty explained, “[01:37:13] Ever since we’ve given him the Lactoferrin and Ivermectin, he no longer takes painkillers. If you will notice, he actually looks younger now than when we started. We still don’t have a cure, but we have a fellow that has been taking Ivermectin since August 29, and he is now at 2.45 mg/kg per day and is still not showing signs of overdosing. And the last I heard was that yesterday he was singing, and he was dancing [01:37:45].”
Now Dr. Chetty comes to an important point – that this tumor became apparent one week after the vaccine. “What we see here is that this tumor came out exactly one week after getting himself vaccinated from the first shot [01:38:06]. He had this small tumor to begin with, and one week later, it started growing.”
This vaccine relationship appeared to be a pattern with other patients [01:41:58]. In another case, a 70-year-old man with a PSA of 26.35 had an enlarged prostate suspicious of cancer [01:42:37]. Following two vaccine doses, his PSA rose to 51.29.
“Immediately, his PSA shoots up to 51 after those first two doses [01:42:59]. He takes a booster on January 6, and his PSA shoots up to 61.75.”
Another PSA showed him to be at 89.11.
“[01:44:12] We immediately brought him up (Ivermectin) to 45 mg per day.” Five weeks after the Ivermectin, he stopped having nocturnal urinary frequency. “On October 5, he sees his Urologist – and the results are spectacular [01:44:31]. What do we see? From the 89.11 PSA he had on August 30 was reduced to 10.94. This 10.94 is less than one-half of his PSA in 2019. This is an indication of how effective Lactoferrin and Ivermectin are together.”
Dr. Chetty admits that at this point, the combination of Ivermectin and Lactoferrin may not be a cancer cure, but it is “really, really effective.”
Dr. Landrito notes that the PAK1 Pathway drives 70% of all human cancers, and Ivermectin suppresses this [57:00].
I would point out that Dr. Landrito has treated hundreds of thousands of patients with Ivermectin and now growing numbers of cancer patients, all without any substantial adverse effects. Physicians only need to ask why they would not offer this safe repurposed drug to a patient with metastatic disease who has no other options. Why not offer it to patients at high risk of metastatic disease before the cancer spreads?
Dr. Paul Marik reviews such issues in his recent Cancer Care Monograph. Dr. Marik added a section on chemotherapy. He broke cancers down into those where chemotherapy could cure cancer, as in Testicular and Hodgkin’s Disease versus other cancers where chemotherapy was partially effective, as in Ovarian and Thyroid Cancer, and finally, the worst types – those dreaded metastatic cancers now so familiar to us all – Colorectal, Pancreatic, Gallbladder, and Esophageal – where chemotherapy only palliates and usually fails, where chemotherapy stimulates cancer stem cells worsening the prognosis.
Dr. Marik’s Cancer Care Chemotherapy Table
Why don’t all physicians make it their mission to notify these metastatic cancer patients about repurposed drugs like Ivermectin? What is there to lose versus what is there to gain?
And now you may understand why I remain angry about the word on repurposed drugs in cancer not getting out. It is up to all of us to share this life-saving information with as many people as possible, especially in the age of this new mRNA vaccine technology.
This article originally appeared on The Desert Review.

1patriot 7 Jan 14

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This is not a peer reviewed study. Only anecdotal. Publish in PLOS ONE even so the evidence can be reviewed. And before the ad hominem attacks start, I am not in favor of the MRNA vaccines. But right now we are performing ignorance based medicine without comparison to the established standard of care.

you might never get a good peer review as most are bull shit any way John P. A. Ioannidis is the Professor of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, and of Statistics and of Biomedical Data Science from Stanford University. He is considered one of the world’s most cited and respected scientist. He has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, and clinical research. [1, 3]

Officially he is the C. F. Rehnborg Professor in Disease Prevention in the School of Medicine and Professor of Health Research and Policy (Epidemiology) and (by courtesy) of Statistic.

Ioannidis has an extensive bio – HERE
Ioannidis has authored some of the most cited publications in history – HERE, CREDIT
In August 2005 he published “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False” an essay which “is considered foundational to the field of meta-science.” We are told to “follow the science”, yet according to Prof. Ioannidis’ work, more than 90% of medical science is flawed – it can’t be replicated. What about the science behind mandated medicine?

From listening to Prof. Ioannidis’ personal journey he was probably an above average child: writing books at age 5 and doing complex mathematical equations by 8 years. Clearly he was a thinker, but also a kind soul John felt medicine would be the “best way to help people”.

In 2010 it was stated in The Atlantic that “Ioannidis may be one of the most influential scientists alive“. Ten years later the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and his scientific analysis of the emerging data did not fit ‘the narrative’ and he was “attacked”. []

@1patriot Wtf is meta science. True, my CV is not nearly as extensive as his. Science is a messy process. There should be allowance of dissident voices to get at truth. Cherry picking isolated information without full context is not the way to do it. Nor is gish gallop of loosely associated facts that have no relevance to each other.

There is more nuance to this than either camp allows. I hate how the acts of science and patient care has become politicized. I think the patients are worse for it!

@Surchin i agree peer revied science has gone for shit as the big corporation have learned how to manipulate it. from drugs to climate and they have there fingers in everything.

@Surchin []

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