Positive discrimination.... Discuss!
Sometimes the best man for the job is a woman: but it's more about having the right people in charge in the first place; than hiring people because of an attribute which has no bearing on the task they are hired to do.
I think that positive discrimination is a political mistake. The reason for this is that they're trying to evaluate people on criteria that are not sensible, and that some of these people dealing with positive discrimination are wrongfully being deprioritized, when they could be a major asset to society.
I am well aware that white people do strange things, sort of live in la-la land, are highly variant in personalities, intelligence, and physical abilities, but the reductionist narrative is not grounded in any other logic besides the affirmation of inherently diseased things about our society. People should be more mature and learn about them and come to appreciate them more, like with any other group.
I don't think there's any such thing, if you're referring to people.
It's an attempt to redress real world discrimination and employer discrimination, which exists.
But positive discrimination is an inadequate band aid for a bigger problem - inequality created by capitalism. It is ultimately naive when we have things like The Reserve Army Of Labour (deliberately cultivated unemployment).
The answer is to eradicate all unemployment and offer further education to all.
there's nothing positive about discrimination my friend was sold this bullshit when she went for a job and they explained that was the reason she hadn't got the job