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Covid Vaccine Side Effects (Canada)
Shawna Reid-Cain
Hey all! Thank you all for sharing your stories, it makes me feel less alone.
I was hesitant to get the cupcakes for many reasons but I work for a major financial institution and was forced. 2 days after my second, I had a swollen right knee, swollen right pinky finger, burning rash on my thigh, severe chest pain and numbness and tingling in my left arm.
I saw my GP within a couple of weeks and she started testing and referred me to a cardiologist. Fast forward 2 very painful years, physically and mentally, and I still have numbness and tingling in my left arm, chest pain and I am tired all the time. My cardiologist has told me my heart is healthy and that I’m a mystery to him. He told me I need to move on and forget about it.
My GP through the course of this said “how do I know that this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t get the cupcakes?” 🤬
I have tried physio, chiro, and massage for my arm. They say it is tendonosis with calcium deposits and referred me to an orthopedic surgeon. His solution, you guessed it, cortisone cupcakes. I said pardon me if I’m a little hesitant to do anything like that again and he looked at me like I was crazy.
So after being gaslit by my medical team, I saw a naturopath and had a live blood analysis done. She found large white fiberous masses, spike protein, nano particles and blood clots in my blood, after 2 years. My blood is poisoned.
I was a relatively healthy 42 year old before all this and no one can be held accountable, so I am told. I’m mad at the medical professionals and our government but I am disappointed in myself that I didn’t stand more firm against it. Uncertain about my health going forward but still grateful to be alive.

1patriot 7 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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