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MAJOR SNOWFLAKE ALERT!!! I happened upon a post i considered racist and foolish at the same time, and commented on it ever-so-sweetly, as is my wont. It turns out that it was in the Conservative Atheist Group, and a lively discussion ensued. I could not reply to any of their scurillous name-calling and ridiculous ASSumptions of course unless i was a member of the group, and so i joined.
That was this morning....
Tonight i find myself blocked from the group.
Just imagine all those staunch courageous drump-lovers running & hiding from me, the white-haired 75 year old.........
It has been a DAMN Fine Day!!!!

annewimsey1 7 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Wow...Anne...look at all the children you've found, swarming in the cellar, thinking up brilliant insults. Obviously, it's going to make them feel more like adults. Or something.


Only a self-righteous jerk would expect anyone to condone what you state you did.


I happened upon this post and I see that you seek positive affirmation for scurrilous behavior to either preserve or maintain superior beliefs or to protect yourself from low self esteem and insecurity .


Sorry for the unpleasant experience, Anne. Come on back to the ''circus of fools'' and we'll shake our heads at the anger and hatred lurking in our cellar.

Yes such an unpleasant experience. Poor Anne ,maybe you can lend her some emotional support .Being portrayed as a clown can be very traumatic

@vinci88 Is that comment dripping with sarcasm?


It has been a DAMN Fine Day since your despicable ass was kicked off the group !!!!! And in regards to running from you , That’s hilarious. I enjoy viewing you and the circus of fools you are a part of on the main forum..I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of personally blocking you.and I doubt any of the other members did ,you’re just blocked from the group because everyone needs a break from the clowns once in a while .LOL


Talk about name calling , I viewed the post and the first thing you did upon joining was call everyone bigoted and nasty . I shouldn’t call you a hypocrite because that’s name-calling right ? What the heck does making a comments about a mob of migrants pickpocketing citizens warrant being labeled as such ..Why would anyone want to infiltrate a group where they’re not wanted and have nothing in common with the group in question. isn’t that why members join groups? Doesn’t this defeat, the purpose of groups,? .People join groups to be among others who share their ideology.. if you want to insult, people do it on the main forum.

"Infiltrate"?????? Too fact if find I must thank you all for the Excellent Laugh Out Loud moment you gave me yesterday...oh, wait, no, several of them.

That’s the best you can do HA .Maybe I should use simpler terminology oh no I mean words,for a clowns mentality such as worm yourself in, or sneak in or slipped in ,or joined under false pretenses what do you think?

@juli15 I prefer worm yourself in,it suits her well. worms are slimy and unpleasant.

@juli15 I fully explained why I exactly is that "false pretenses"????
Oh, wait is it analogous to injecting yourself with bleach because your Orange God said so? On the other hand, you apparently didn't do that, so no loyalty there....

@annewimsey1 Why do you annoying TDS infected idiots always have to include Trump in your comments when he is not even part of the discussion

@tiredofthis1 Relax ,these deranged people always mention trump when they have nothing better to say without even knowing if you like Trump or not, I’ve made it clear here many times I do not like Trump yet they do the same thing to me whenever I show a conservative point of view preconceived notions from pathetic people . i’m not even a conservative I don’t belong to that group I have my own ideology.and don’t align to any political party

@annewimsey1 Anne, my friend, you're wasting time/energy with these people. Let them slither around in our cellar and we'll go on to more pleasant things. THANKS, by the way, for the warning...I didn't know about this ''group''....

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