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Posted by: Rob Lee
“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.
Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.)
He: Well, that's quite a list... But I'd have to easily say that they're all toxic to humans... Used in fertilizers... Pesticides... To stop the heart... To preserve a dead body... They're registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?
Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I'd put my daughter in harm's way... But what would legally happen to me?
He: Odd question... But you'd likely be charged with criminal negligence... perhaps with intent to kill... and of course child abuse... Your child would be taken away from you... Do you know of someone's who's doing this to their child? This is criminal...
Me: An industry... These are the ingredients used in vaccines... With binding agents to make sure the body won't flush these out... To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely...
The man was beside himself. He asked if I would email him all this information. He wanted to share it with his adult kids who are parents. He was horrified and felt awful he didn't know... his kids are vaccinated and they have health issues...”
~ By Iris Figueroa
Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients present in routine vaccines:
◾️Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.
◾️Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.
◾️Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.
◾️Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.
◾️Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism.
◾️Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain.
◾️Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.
◾️Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.
◾️Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.
◾️African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.
◾️Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.
◾️E.Coli - Yes, you read that right.
◾️DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1
◾️Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)
You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website.

1patriot 8 Feb 5

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If you think that's bad, just look at the ingredients that go into making table salt!

well i will sprinkle table salt on my sandwich and you can take the kill shot!

@1patriot You need to sprinkle sodium metal and chlorine gas on your sandwich.

@BitFlipper that how you like it and it shows....i use table salt your program will give you mental illness and it's showing


The poison is in the dosage. To much vitamin C will kill you.


You forgot sodium, a highly reactive poisonous metal and Chlorine a highly reactive poisonous corrosive gas.

i never wrote this article.....many sodium's are good for us like sodium citrate, Sodium Chlorite

[] so your wrong again i haven't found sodium, a highly reactive poisonous metal and Chlorine a highly reactive poisonous corrosive gas on the CDC

@1patriot So you can't recognize sarcasm

@glennlab guess because every time post to me it sarcasm....i just thought i was dealing with some a little slow i didn't want to be rude


I am more than a bit skeptical about persons who aren't experts gathering information to try to prove a preconceived notion or theory.

Almost everything is poisonous if you take it in large enough quantities. Even water. So, it would be easy for someone to cherry pick what they wish to prove their preconceived notions.

A proper scientist does research without any agenda, and is willing to accept information, even if it contradicts their expectations. Results are then replicated usually several times to confirm them, and then they are peer reviewed, which means others replicated the research to see if they get the same results. When a consensus is reached, then it is considered to be "proven".

Now, you have posted many times about your belief that vaccines are dangerous. However, the majority of scientific peer reviewed research studying the subject disagrees with you. There will always be outlier studies that may agree with you, because statistics says that improbable result will take place on occasion, which is why science/scientists replicates its/their work and is peer reviewed, so that statistical anomalies can be seen for what they are.

Assuming the above conversation actually happened, it is just rhetoric (just a converstion), not scientific fact or conclusion. A person who answers the phone is not likely an actual expert or scientist, and could easily have biases or preconceived notions of their own.

consensus science is not science!! you can go to CDC web site and look or move on i really don't care!

i looked it up for you most of it is there! []

1 medical professional, anywhere, over the phone would talk about child abuse and etc as you "quote", above.
What Shameful BS!!!!!!

it's a story and yes i spoken to poison control before there 500

do some read so you can an educated reply []


Thimerosal was taken out of childhood vaccines in the United States in 2001.
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal. Varicella (chickenpox), inactivated polio (IPV), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have also never contained thimerosal.
Influenza (flu) vaccines are currently available in both thimerosal-containing (for multi-dose vaccine vials) and thimerosal-free versions.

That said.

For a complete list of vaccines and their thimerosal content level, see the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Thimerosal in Vaccinesexternal icon page. This chart pdf icon[PDF – 4 pages] shows vaccine ingredients sorted by vaccine.

Then there are some vaccines that while they may contain some ingredients that are alarming I think the ones for like, say ANTHRAX, it might be preferable to take the vaccine than die from anthrax.

i thought this is the covid vaccine but your right, the way he has written is all vaccine..and not sure i might have to look into it but i think chlorine dioxide will take out anthrax



Ewh, I’ve been vaccinated but this sounds awful. Wonder if it’s the same in the UK.

small variation of the same stuff

@1patriot Oh well, I survived…again and again.

@girlwithsmiles you best read up on the covid shot as many are dying 2-3 years later and they figure as long as 10 years.....there are many thing to help slow it down......

STUNNER! Scientists want ‘global moratorium’ on deadly mRNA shots
Amid evidence of problems, there began a move to take down the demands that children take the shots, and in some locations authorities have backed away even further.

Now there’s a new precedent being sought: a global moratorium on those injections.

According to a report from Liberty Counsel, a legal team long involved in the fight for the rights of people not to be forced to take such shots, “For the first time in a published and peer-reviewed paper, scientists are calling for a ‘global moratorium on modified mRNA products’ after surveying data from Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine” trials.'”
“The scientists found that the trials were rushed, presented low efficacy, were contaminated with residual DNA impurities, and that the ‘vaccines’ present many ‘biological mechanisms’ that can cause serious adverse events. The authors also advised the COVID shots should be removed from the Childhood Adolescent Immunization Schedule until proper safety studies are conducted,” the report confirmed.

Stunningly, the study provided a “generous estimate” that two lives were saved from COVID for every 100,000 shots.

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