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In "Autobiography of a Yogi," there's a fascinating section where Sri Yukteswar, the spiritual master and teacher of Paramahansa Yogananda, provides his interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible. Sri Yukteswar offers a metaphysical perspective on this well-known biblical narrative, offering insights that may challenge traditional interpretations.

One key aspect of Sri Yukteswar's interpretation is his emphasis on the symbolic and allegorical nature of the story. Rather than viewing Adam and Eve as literal historical figures, he suggests that they represent universal archetypes or principles within human consciousness.

According to Sri Yukteswar, Adam symbolizes the human soul or individual consciousness, while Eve represents the creative power of divine Mother, or cosmic consciousness. The garden of Eden, in this interpretation, symbolizes the state of spiritual perfection and harmony that exists when the individual soul is in alignment with cosmic consciousness.

The forbidden fruit, often interpreted as an apple in traditional interpretations, is seen by Sri Yukteswar as a metaphor for the individual soul's desire to experience duality and separateness from divine consciousness. The act of eating the fruit represents the soul's choice to descend into the realm of materiality and ego-consciousness.

The subsequent expulsion from Eden and the suffering that follows symbolize the consequences of this choice, as the soul becomes entangled in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and experiences the illusions of separation and suffering.

Ultimately, Sri Yukteswar's interpretation of the Adam and Eve story emphasizes the spiritual journey of awakening and liberation from the illusions of ego-consciousness. It underscores the importance of transcending duality and reuniting with divine consciousness to attain true fulfillment and freedom.

This interpretation of the Adam and Eve story offers a profound perspective on the human condition and the spiritual quest for enlightenment. It invites readers to contemplate the deeper meanings behind familiar biblical narratives and to explore the universal truths they contain.

Drank_Spear 7 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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