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On WOKE Platform Censorship (Videos Included)
Blogger, Wordpress, Substack, Bitchute, UGETube Examined

SUMMARY: I briefly share on degrees of WOKE censorship looking mostly at Blogger & Wordpress. Then I share 3 videos that probably aggravate the WOKE devoted. --TAKE A LOOK:[]

1patriot 8 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Once again, your sources are are without a doubt the most credulous person on the planet. Pathetic and sad, and your only relief is anger.
Tell me, do Encyclopedia Brittanica salesman drop by frequently to update your collection?

woke are you, they are the only ones with a big mouth and they don't stop calling spelled "relief" wrong but i can figure it out when the woke crowd can't seem figure nothing out LOL
can't figure out climate change
can't figure out the banking system
can't fiqure blackrock/vanguard
can't figure out the 15 min city
can't figure out pedophilia
can't figure out the death jab but took it any way....did you the side effect are anger LOL
can't figure school indoctrination like they do to day schools and universities
there are many more but these are the one's that concern me, i give a shit if it concern you or not


Since you use the term more often than any other 3 people on the site, please define in detail what you mean by woke.

it all over this site.....look it up you don't know what woke is??? ask your buddy fluingsaucer he straight out told me he was woke! all the perverted thing to can think change the laws so children can ask for sex change at age 5 with out parent consent. teach children to masterbate in school in grade one. any ways i ain't here to do your work if your interested look it up!

@1patriot So you admit that you are too dumb to know what the words you use most often as derogatives even mean?

@glennlab i didn't admit to anything so you are a woke fucker i will be. go jerk off on your neighbours panties or is Betty's panties you sick fucker name your words that you find derogative

@1patriot I won't stoop to you uncouth level of name calling, but I hope your mother runs out from under the porch and bites you.

and it is still pretty clear that @1patriot has no idea about what the shit he spouts means.

@1patriot Keep changing your replies after I've replied, it doesn't make you look any better.

@glennlab so fuck off if that's all you have spit out of mouth i know you have been told that 1000 time before because you show up at 1 of the 4 cocksucker i deal with, the other 25 are great!

@glennlab i know your proud of being an ass hole because so are the other 3

@1patriot Since you love Russia so much go back there.

@1patriot If your only arguments are name calling and obscenities it shows you lack the intellect or education to carry on a coherent conversation. It took you all of one response before you denigrated to obscenities. argue like a man, not a sniveling pussy.

@glennlab you started the name call i am just finishing you big baby! is this you the picture looks the same []

@1patriot I will call you a liar on that one, I asked a simple question which you were too ignorant to answer. You are nothing but a keyboard bully. You are really brave when there are no repercussions, I bet you aren't welcome in any of the bars in Calgary.

@glennlab what you want to fight is that what your fuck i give you a change not to be an ass hole but obvious your an ass hole. keep rambling it shows you child.....LOL if i was sick i would meet you have way from your home just kick your ass. i kicked the shit out 3 Hell angels /puppet member in 2012 that was after the 3 of them beat the hell out of me i did one at time!

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