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‘Youthful idealism peaks at age twelve and from there graduallly declines to a mature reallism at age 22 or 23,” said a university professor of teacher preparation.

( Then why have so many idealists reached their middle and even senior years? )

Edit that line to “Yet, many people in their middle and senior years angrily defend their idealism.”

yvilletom 8 Feb 11

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Teachers spend their whole lives with students, that gives them a distorted perspective.
Policemen, often believe that the world is made up of only criminals and victims.
Doctors, that the world is made up only of the sick and their carers.
Sales people, that the world is only buyers and sellers.

So is it really that strange, that professors think that the world is made only of students and academics, and that being an academic is the same thing as being mature. ( It probably is not, and immaturity may be catching, spending your whole life with the young may distort your views and prevent maturity. )


Mature idealists??? At 23/24???????
What exactly is wrong with this guy??????? Becuz Def Sumthin'

The professor spoke of a mature realism at 23/24.

Where did you find a mature idealism? At any age?

@yvilletom late 50's, a glimmer maybe...on the other hand, i was wracked with pain botth physical and mental for most of my life, from which I did learn some very good things, so I doubt I am typical.

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