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Skin cancer isn't caused by the sun. It rarely existed, if at all, before our diets turned to crap. Don't shut out the sun. Stop eating the bad foods. Let the sun shine. You need it.

Cancer is caused by inflammation. Inflammation is caused by our bad diets. It's just that simple. Forget all that fancy science. It's simply studies designed to discover certain things so certain products can be peddled to the masses. You don't need sun screen. You need to stop eating junk food.

Remember cancers and diseases didn't exist before processed foods came along. That's not science. That's a fact.

Drank_Spear 7 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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It is Not a fact, Egyptian mummies exhibit pretty much everything we get today.

@Drank_Spear cancer is in animals. It's a naturally occurring disease, you'd know that if you did even the most basic research. Wake up

@Tejas my main dog 2 dogs back died of cancer, it had spread to every organ (ultrasound confirmed) before she showed even a sign of being uncomfortable and it was just 3 days until her of which was waiting for the ultrasound mobile unit to show up.


This is literally 100% false. Skin cancer in particular effects people with lighter skin the most. About 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lives and about 2 thirds of Australians will develop skin cancer. Australia receives a high amount of uv radiation which causes skin cancer. Another note on skin cancer in particular is it effects white people the most. Skin cancer rates are highest in European nations and lowest in African nations.

Way to be 100% wrong and spreading fake garbage on the internet.

Tejas Level 8 Feb 14, 2024

@Drank_Spear you're an idiot. Stop with this cryptic talk and man up

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