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Well you tell me?

1patriot 8 Feb 16

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Glenn Beck Lists the TOP TEN Times That Joe Biden Has Acted Like a Dictator
Democrats have spent years accusing Trump of wanting to be a dictator, but it’s a clear case of projection.

Joe Biden has actually acted like a dictator at least ten times and Glenn Beck recently laid out the examples in a thread on Twitter/X.

Beck brought all of the receipts for this. See below:

if he's fit for office he's fit for trial

@1patriot The fact that you listen to Glen Beck is hilarious and speaks volumes about you.

He is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict, and has said he has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). - Wikipedia


@nogod4me the that you watch CBS the zionist news network explain a lot your problems lol

@1patriot You do know that Trump has professed that he will be a dictator, you can't be that ignorant.

@nogod4me that was on what MSM.....LOL
let seen your paper news report on that one


@nogod4me that's not paper where's your paper that MSM bull shit
LOL dictator for day of course you clean house so dictator for day. that hilarious

@1patriot You don't even make sense.

@nogod4me neither does your fox news article, dictator for a day. LOL and your worried about don't understand anything, including the news you watch!

@1patriot So, you agree that you don't make sense.

@nogod4me so you agree that you didn't watch your video where Trumps say dictator for a day. that's what doesn't make sense you should watch it. it makes you look like who you really are an ass hole!

@1patriot So, you agree that Trump professed that he will be a dictator. Which is exactly what I said.

@nogod4me no you asshole trump did not say that and your video shows he did not say that your so fucking stupid the conversation is over it's ass holes like you that fucking up every thing good about american. your freeloader think the country owes you something....poor poor me. i won't be do any more of your mindless games. asshole

@1patriot You seem upset that Trump professed that he would be a dictator.

@nogod4me biden has been in for 3 years now and your the communist dick that you are support it. i really don't give a fuck what trump does. you coming unglued over this video just show your a communist fucker. i don't speak to communist by.

@1patriot You are not making sense.

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