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So here's a little moral problem I'd like some views on. I'm in the UK, and have been a member of the Green Party for about 8 years now. I used to identify with Labour until Tony Bliar took the party over and damn near ruined it imo.

I'm committed to the GP and agree with all of their policies. And yet, I'm tempted to join Labour in support of Mr Corbyn who I admire very much.

Is it OK to belong to 2 political parties?

eeyorn 4 May 6

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Of course. Belong to 10 if it makes you happy. It is your life afterall ?

Well I guess I was brought up with different values. My moral dilemna is that 2 different political parties will by rights have differences and so by joining 2 parties you are opening yourself up to having to not support one party if a given policy isnt something you can agree with. As I say, I am a committed Green and because of the way they develop and incorporate their policies through consensus, I believe that I'm unlikely to disagree with any of their policies, however its possible that their will be policies that Labour adopts that I cannot agree with. As a case in point, I believe that Mr Corbyn would like to see the coal mines reopened. While I understand that the intention is to help promote employment, I personally would vote against this on sustainabilty/carbon release grounds, as well at witnessing my grandfather's painful death from miner's lung giving me reason to vote against it on health grounds.

You are making your life difficult, simplify it by not belonging to any and all ?

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