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The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC is by far the most important publication in the history of the Clintel Foundation. The book came about through the cooperation of ten scientists and experts from the international Clintel network, including Canadian Ross McKitrick (known for his criticism of the hockey stick graph), Italian Nicola Scafetta (known for his work on the influence of the Sun on our climate) and Fritz Vahrenholt (known in Germany because of his book Die Kalte Sonne).

In the book we analyze two vast parts (the Working Group I and II report) of the most recent IPCC report AR6. In thirteen chapters we evaluate by theme whether the IPCC did a good job. In short, we conclude that the IPCC has made several serious mistakes. These mistakes all point in the same direction: they make climate change ‘worse’. Some of our conclusions are frankly shocking, because the IPCC acted so shamelessly. In one particular instance, the IPCC ignored almost all literature (on the subject of damage due to extreme weather) and leaned on one (flawed!) study that presented the apparently preferred conclusion (i.e. a claimed rise in damage by CO2). []

1patriot 8 Feb 22

Enjoy being online again!

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