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The New Manhattan Project
Have you heard of the original Manhattan Project? It was the gigantic, super-
secret government research and development project which produced the
atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. It was a massive undertaking all
kept secret through compartmentation. To date, the Manhattan Project and
the Apollo moon missions are America's greatest admitted national scientific
In 1961, distinguished Rear Admiral Luis DeFlorez advocated that the US
government should, "Start now to make control of weather equal in scope to
the Manhattan District Project which produced the first A-bomb."
Over the years many weather modifiers have compared weather control to
the power of atomic bombs. Weather modification pioneering G.E. scientist
Irving Langmuir often mused about it. The 'Father of the Hydrogen Bomb,'
a.k.a. 'Dr. Strangelove' Edward Teller suggested using atomic bombs
detonated in the sky as a means to modify the weather many times. In
1958, high altitude atmospheric detonations of nuclear bombs were actually
carried out in Operations Argus, Newsreel (as part of Operation Hardtack)
and Starfish.
The scientific era of weather modification began only one year after the
detonation of the first atomic bombs (see chapter 2). Five years later in
1951, scientists who brought us this initial foray into weather control were
testifying before Congress, enumerating the similarities between weather
modification and atomic bombs. During 1951 testimony before the United
States Senate, C. G. Suits, the director of research at General Electric
Laboratories said, "It is a fact that has been repeatedly demonstrated that
under suitable circumstances one may with 1 pound of dry ice cause a
thundercloud to precipitate a heavy rainstorm. In a typical case the energy of
condensation which has been released is equivalent in magnitude to the
energy of several atomic bombs. There are so many points of similarity
between the release of atomic energy and the release of weather energy that
it is well to consider them in detail. The similarities are - and I quote from a
letter I wrote to you, Senator Anderson, dated November 22, 1950: 1. Large
amounts of energy are involved. The energy release (in the form of heat or
condensation) in a small thunderstorm equals the energy of several atomic
bombs. 2. A chain reaction is an important basic mechanism in many
meteorological phenomena and in atomic reactions. This permits a small
initiating force to generate large-scale effects. 3. The national defense and
the economic possibilities are vital aspects of both problems. 4. Both
problems transcend State and National boundaries in their influence and
importance, and ultimately will involve international agreements. 5.
Extensive research is required to fully develop the economic and military
applications of both forms of energy."
Edward Teller along with Ross Gunn, Donald Hornig, Vannevar Bush and John
von Neumann are some famous scientists who worked on the original
Manhattan Project and then later contributed to the atmospheric sciences.
Geoengineers themselves are calling this National effort in weather
modification a new Manhattan Project. In late 2009 and early 2010, Congress
heard detailed testimony from top geoengineers. They called the hearings
'Geoengineering: Parts I, II, and III.' These geoengineering hearings
referenced the Manhattan Project three times. Geoengineer Philip Rasch, in
written testimony, provided the best example:
"In my opinion before a nation (or the world) ever decided to deploy a full
scale geoengineering project to try to compensate for warming by
greenhouse gases it would require an enormous activity, equivalent to that
presently occurring within the modeling and assessment activities associated
with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) activity, or a
Manhattan Project, or both. It would involve hundreds or thousands of
scientists and engineers and require the involvement of politicians, ethicists,
social scientists, and possibly the military. These issues are outside of my
area of expertise. Early ‘back of the envelope’ calculations estimated costs of
a few billion dollars per year for full deployment of a stratospheric aerosol
strategy (see for example, Crutzen, (2006) or Robock et al (2009b))."
This New Manhattan Project uses chemtrails to electrify our atmosphere. You
see, not only does the New Manhattan Project involve airplanes spraying
aerosols. Once these aerosols have saturated the lower atmosphere, they
are hit with electromagnetic energy from ground based antennas known as
'ionospheric heaters.' In this fashion, the sprayed aerosols are manipulated
in order to accomplish weather modification. This is a distinguishing feature
of the New Manhattan Project.

1patriot 8 Feb 22

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