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I contend we live on planet retard for the reasons I will set out below. This is fact, as I will prove through logical argument. I challenge all to disprove this fact of human life through counter logical argument; show me to be the fool. I contend that each of the following statements are factual.

Human's are social creatures.
Human's form groups (a group defined as two or more people)
A group will develop a doctrine.
Doctrine is a set of laws/ rules devised by and abided by the group. It may or may not affect any other group.
Doctrine may be formally written down like Holy books, legislation, rules at the pool hall/ sports club. Or they may just be an understanding amongst the group eg friends all in on a fight, or a couple parting if there is a betrayal. Nothing written down, an understanding.
Indoctrination is the formal instruction into a doctrine with trained instructors but can be done without the participants knowing. Repetitive messaging and ritual reinforce the doctrine. Sunday school. Political agendas'. Advertising. Nationalism and Patriotism. Or willing indoctrination like training for a trade or profession. You absorb the repetitive messaging and ritual willingly because you want to join the group. Willingly abide by their rules and laws aka doctrine..

So humans are social, form groups which develop doctrines specific to their group only. If all good so far, I'll go on.

What we can basically say is the doctrine represents the group eg if you want to understand a group, look at their doctrine. The group IS the doctrine, the same. If you attack the doctrine, you attack the group. Doctrine cannot defend itself, so the group defends the doctrine.

The thing is whether the doctrine is true or false it does not matter. The group will defend it as it, their doctrine, is the groups very identity. If a member of the group no longer abides by the doctrine, the group will expel or punish and re-indoctrinate them. Totally rejected by the group or punished in another way until redemption can be done eg expelled from a cult, have an affair and you do a lot of crawling to mend that 2 person group, doctrine being reaffirmed "Won't happen again". Break the rules and be suspended or expelled from the social club.
Doctrine rules the group and the group rule the doctrine eg doctrine may be modified. with group consensus.

So unconsciously and consciously, all of us during our lifetimes belong to many groups and thus abide to many doctrines as well.
As doctrines are rules and laws for groups, they restrict what we individually may want to do in deference to the group's wishes.
A synonym for "restrict" is "retard". So doctrine retards our individuality. I'll say that again.
Group doctrine retard's a person's individuality. Retards.

Then we get to the fully indoctrinated, totally beholden to their group. Willing to die for their group (you know the type). They know their doctrine by rote and will also defend it to the death. Defend it against logic and reason, evidence to the contrary they will still defend. So group doctrine also restricts an individuals ability to reason and use their logic.
A synonym for restrict is..............retard. Hinder function in some way.

In conclusion (sorry a bit long) we all belong to groups and are all indoctrinated some what, abiding to numerous doctrines throughout our lives.
The fully indoctrinated are more retarded in their way of thinking and actions than those less taken with a "group" thus doctrine, only there for certain mutual benefits eg "moderate" followers of religion are not so strict regarding their doctrine only going to socialise. But they still retard themselves some, consciously or not, just so the group accepts them and they belong. Families are a group. Society is one big group, plenty of laws that retard us all, actions mostly but more increasingly, in thought.

We are social
Live in groups
Groups have doctrine
Group doctrine retards us individually.

We are all somewhat retarded in some way, as individuals, by some doctrine.
Therefore, We all live on planet Retard!!!
Case closed

puff 8 Feb 26

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