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It helps to look younger.

Jolanta 9 Feb 26

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So I wonder if the reverse is true... If one can avoid osteoporosis, COPD, hearing loss and cataracts, then that is a path toward youthful facial features?

I always thought it was hydration, moisturizers and limiting sun exposure that keeps one looking youthful. Of course, beauty, in my opinion, comes from kindness within and has very little to do with outward appearance. Good health likely helps though!

I agree with you, however maybe it helps towards it.


A recent Netflix program showed that diet is paramount to how one ages.


Beauty is our instinctive way to measure health, not just of other humans, but of things like our environment as well. It is of course not perfect, nothing made by evolution ever is, and it can be fooled by technical and cultural devices, but it works fairly well in general terms.

Perception is reality.

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