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Warming signs of a Cult ...

snytiger6 9 Mar 3

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That criteria sounds just like the one followed by people who voted for Joe Biden and continue to support him even after 3 disastrous years.

Oh give it a rest fer one effin' minute, will ya?

The same could be more easily (and honestly) said about those who voted for and still support Trump. What Trump did as president was disastrous to the future of the U.lS., and he was (often) very incompetent. He still, after having served as president for four years, has no idea of what the limits are to presidential powers.

While Trump was president he publicly told an average of more than 10 lies per day.


No, I think that is too simple, a lot of cults don't have leaders, but they are still cults.

I disagree with #6.
I would add that for a dictatorship, just add: Have the power of the state behind them to enforce it all.

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