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Ease your forgetfulness.

Jolanta 9 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Good to know! I do take my multivitamin supplement most days. Some days I forget, though, haha! Just kidding. I don't actually forget, since I do see the big ole pill in my weekly pill organizer, but I just don't always feel like swallowing the huge thing. I feel I can get away with skipping it once in a while.

My memory is pretty good though, so maybe it's due to the multi-vitamin along with a somewhat balanced diet.

I take multivitamins and find that my pee is very yellow when I do.

@Jolanta They say that if we take more vitamins than we need, we just pee it out, so too much in the way of supplements are a waste. I drink lots of water throughout the day, which is probably dilutes any excesses, and maybe it's good that I skip some days. 😉

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