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Supreme Court unanimously rules that states may not disqualify Trump as an insurrectionist-

I know that ruling will be unpopular among a number of people, but it's worth noting that the three left-leaning SC Justices also went along with the ruling and for good reason, and given the circumstances they would not be wrong about that.

When it comes to section 3 of the 14th Amendment in the Constitution, Congress and not the individual states has the authority to enforce that. Regardless of how you may personally feel on that matter would be beside the point. Funny thing is, most Democrats who are usually in favor of the Federal Government authority over state-level authority will now find themselves cheering on state rights, while most of the conservative Republicans will now be singing their praises to Federal authority. It would take two-thirds of a vote from each House in order to "remove".

Also have to keep in mind that Trump has yet to be formerly charged in a Court of law with a guilty conviction regarding insurrection, and everyone is considered innocent in the eyes of the law until proven guilty beyond any doubt. Now, that context would surely change (at least to an extent anyways) if Trump were ever to be found guilty of insurrection, and at that point there would be legal grounds to take that sort of action against him.

That all said, I think the state of Colorado's course of action on that matter sets a potentially dangerous precedent down the road for Democratic politicians, as I'm willing to bet the Republicans in certain states will attempt to pull a similar stunt, and try to have Democratic politicians removed from the ballots in their states (or a similar stunt) over personal reasons regardless if such actions on their part would even be legal in the first place, they might attempt something of that nature in the future just to spite their opposition. Then again, that's what American politics have devolved into, and a hint at what future politics will look like.

SpikeTalon 9 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Excellent commentary, particularly your second paragraph.

The main point is the difference between Federal and State laws. I have found most people don't even know there is a difference. Of course that fact that Trump has not even been charged, no less convicted of insurrection is important too.

I try to give a fair outlook regardless of how I personally may feel about the subject in question (and in this case I dislike Trump as much as you do).

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