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Drank_Spear 7 Mar 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Why makes posts like this when they can't see them? Since you're blocking them doesn't that kind of make you the clown?

I make posts about whatever the fuck I want. Why do you read them?

@Drank_Spear People usually just walk by the crazy person yelling on the street, I like to interact with them to see how crazy they actually are.

@Smurfing101 remember what you give, in other words, what you say, is what is in your mind. No one else's. Proceed.

@Drank_Spear most people on this site think you have a few screws loose. So you're factually incorrect

@Smurfing101 No, I'm factually correct. As for what others think of me is there something that led you to the conclusion I care? I can firmly attest that I do not.

@Drank_Spear I never said or assumed you cared. Typically crazy people don't care about things like that.

@Smurfing101 you're right, what you did instead was imply that the people on this site are good judges of sanity. That's even more hilarious! As for how you understand crazy to typically be, well if you're around crazy enough to know what it's typically like it sounds like a personal problem you should probably look into.

@Drank_Spear you don't have to be a good judge of sanity to have an opinion on someone's. One's own gut feeling is never a bad bet.

@Smurfing101 An atheist that relies on intuition. You're cracking me the fuck up!

@Drank_Spear intuition and belief in a God have nothing to do with each other. One is an evolutionary adaptation the other is man made fiction.

@Drank_Spear and why are you assuming things about my beliefs or lack there of?

@Smurfing101 they can have nothing to do with one another or they can have to do with one another, depends on the person. As for God, I don't personally like to use that word on this site because people assume it to mean a deity and when I speak of what one might call God, I do not speak of a deity.

My assumptions are this is an atheist/agnostic site and you are one of those labels so to speak or rather identify with one of those labels. I also assume you know I have a spiritual side to me. I also know you wish you engage in a discussion where by you come away with some feeling of rightness or correctness. Those are pretty standard deductions based upon the information at hand.

@Drank_Spear I don't care about right or wrong, overall it's meaningless. So you are factually incorrect again. I simply asked some questions, which clearly made you butthurt. Other than that you talk in circles with little meaning. Have a lovely rest of your day.

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