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"I simply do not know what to believe, and that is why I am an agnostic.


D.H. Wilson is a supporter of Creationism and an antagonist of Richard Dawkins

See []

Mcfluwster 7 Apr 28

Enjoy being online again!

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@ # $ & % € <

Where are the men in white coats when they’re needed?

Reply to CuddyCruiser's comment. I am not sure what you mean but if you mean "where are the scientists?" Well I believe everyone can think of themselves as a scientist and believe it to true in that they can always explain things in logic with rational thought. We just do not care to show our abilities for fear of being wrong as the Christians have also shown in their repulsion of science.

@Mcfluwster By men in the white coats I mean the types who escort you to the looney bin, also known as a funny farm.

Bellevue Psych ward, Hillside Jewish medical center and Creedmoor hospital are good examples.


"The truth is out there somewhere ..." Good grief! D.H. Wilson is crazy enough to imagine that there is such a thing as "the truth". Sigh.


Please punctuate the above link. []

Reply to yvilletom's comment .Sorry . You are correct.


We’re monkeys bro…..believe it!!
If there’s any doubt in your mind, look at the republicans in congress!?🤠

Reply to Aaron70's comment I see what you mean and I agree, but Christians and others have trouble understanding the full relationships between us and monkeys. We have a lot of work still to do.

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