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The U.S.A. does not have a monopoly on bigotry in libraries. A wunch of bankers in a city near Sydney has seen fit to remove books on same-sex parenting from its libraries: [] , this in response to a rump of conservative religitards.

anglophone 9 May 7

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"conservative religitards" are springing up everywhere, aren't they? Reminds me of that old joke about someone being a in the dark and being feed bullshit.

Israel just banned al Jazeera, the USA banning TicToc. There are plenty on both sides keen to censor "Wrong think".


No great loss. Books on good parenting should not give a rats arse on what the sex of the parents/ guardians is.

puff Level 8 May 7, 2024

Here's another way to look at that, puff. Children notice and wonder about same-sex parents and it's a good idea to think through our attitudes and find ways to convey them to kids,

@pamagain My Mother was a primary school teacher and I also remember doing it at primary school in the 70's.
We used to have separate Mothers and Fathers nights where the parent would camp out at the school with their children eg all Fathers or all Mothers. During the 80's my Mother's school cancelled them (I was already out of school) because of a simple reason; there wasn't enough Fathers. I think 2 main reasons. 1) The stigma of divorce no longer followed a woman for life and 2) the introduction of the single Mother's pension in Australia (called the single Mother's pension, but was given to male guardians too). Anyways it upset Mum as in "Father's night" at primary schools was now a bygone era.

Dunno why I thought of this, just reminiscing I suppose about another bygone era perhaps? The olde nuclear family?
Personally, I think it is very important that a child has strong role models both masculine and feminine eg My girl loves her Dad and I think it is a shame that some miss out on a Father figure. The same applies with Mothers.

@puff My father was killed in military service when I was 7 and I never had anyone to take me to the ''father-daughter'' events. It hurt.

@pamagain I am very sorry to hear that

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