6mins she is awesome!!
I am quite sure the journalists took absolutely no notice of this warning. It makes me wonder what faith she had in being correct herself to give this unusual warning .
i believe it's the law of the land, of which corporations only work under admiral law of the law of the sea. but she told them she would be coming after them personally and not after the corporation. but i am still learning the law of the land.
@1patriot I think is part of her scare tactics to frighten off nosey people who might bring some good science in to change her attitudes. It is only for science that will solve these troubles and I believe that the vast majority of trials are well set up.
@Mcfluwster they are, when you walk into their court room, i know you can not claim to understand their laws or you will than be tried by a phony court system with a phony Judge...it's corporate law, law of the sea. england set up the system in the late 1500's i believe as most of the world trade was done by ship. the rothschild started the East India Company.
Just what is her alternative to clinical trials?
you would have to ask her, 20,000,000 dead and climbing not so this was a well back. as she said 17,000 000.