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Think of religion like explaining quantum physics to a small child. it has some meaning but mostly it's filled with child like thinking and understanding. Nothing is explained and things are stated very simply. it's quite vague so the understandings of it vary widely.

Drank_Spear 7 May 14

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They use the same vagueness to support their claims of biblical prophesy. Always predicted after it occurs

If you are vague enough, you stand for nothing, and if you stand for nothing, then you can pose as standing for everything, you have nothing to defend and get all the votes. It is an old trick the Nazis like Goebbels and Hitler played well. Today, talk to the unions about workers rights, tomorrow, tell capital about restricting union power to promote free enterprise.

It is especially the ploy in religion used by the "spiritual" movement.

( Like this may publish it. )

@Drank_Spear Atheism has only one stance on one subject, so it is hard yes.

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