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Is going downstairs more painful than…

Jolanta 9 May 17

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Yes, going down hurts more than going up, unless carrying several bags of groceries up, then it's difficult but still not as painful. I have to choose whether to make 2 trips, meaning going down the stairs twice as well as up, or just do it once, very slowly with my heavy items.

I got a cortisone shot a couple of weeks ago, and so it's not quite as painful. Tonight I made it in one trip, carrying my weekly heavy Costco items.


I can relate!


Always use a handrail!

My older sister-in-law gave me that advice a few years back, and I've always remembered it. So important!


When I walked Watkins Glen with a very bad knee you could start at the bottom or take a bus to the top and go down....I wisely chose going up, I doubt going down would have been any fun at all.

Going up enough stairs can be a pretty good aerobic exercise. Go up enough and you will think it a bit too good.

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