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Gentle steady reason, a relaxing listen , but still hard edged.

Fernapple 9 May 18

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Yes, our heroes in the science world are respected, even when more precise scientific discoveries are made, layering on top of those foundations, by newcomers who rise in respect as being at the top of their field in the current times. The predecessors are no less respected for their contributions.

To me, the problem with God is that it/he/she is stagnant, never growing, never learning from past mistakes, never making corrections, never adapting as new information comes to light, or as our environment changes.

Yes, those who use religious texts as their "moral guide" are most definitely using their own sense of morality to be able to pick and choose what in the bible is moral and what is abominable. How do they know what to skip over, if they are not using some sense of morality gotten from the current state of social morality, along what they may have learned in kindergarten, and just living a life of natural consequences to behavior.

I love these quotes from the video:

"Putting God in front of humanity is a terrible thing."

"The god of traditional Judaism, Christianity and Islam seems to me a terrible character. Here is a god who is obsessed with the degree to which people worship him, and anxious to punish with the most awful torments those who don't worship him in the right way."

(Reminds me of someone using that formula in our current U.S. politics.)

Yes, I think we have outgrown allegiance to this character. Religion can't adapt and change with the times, but reality does. Religious gods never seem to mature and keep up with the times.

I much prefer just being real, thinking for ourselves, taking cues from the social norms, literature, our laws, rules of etiquette and yes, often just what we learned in preschool.

Some people of course want that stagnation, or at least want the delusion that they don't have to think and adapt. I have always held that simple laziness is one of the biggest motivations for religious belief.

While of course the cherry pickers want, to not only find and agreement with what they want to believe, but also to find an unquestionable authority, to back up what they want to believe. So that they will never be asked to justify their choices, the best of both worlds, pick just whatever you like and then pass the responsibility on to someone who will never be called upon to answer.

Well said and I agree. 🙂


Thank you for sharing this. 🙂

Betty Level 8 May 18, 2024
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