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Just picked up and watched The ABYSS in 4k. How time changes perspective.


The first (and until recently only) time I watched The Abyss was in the 1990’s. Seems like yesterday; rented vhs movie played on a 19" tv while sitting beneath a shared blanket on a girlfriend’s couch between her and her coworker nurse friend. The movie I remember was immersive as it took place in an almost magical underwater environment. Aside from the nurses becoming angered when a character was resurrected, “It doesn’t work that way!” We all seemed to like the film.

How time changes perspective. A few days back sitting alone largely fast forwarding through the film I was annoyed how cookie-cutter this movie was, - ok we need a scene with a guy with a big wrench. He should wave it around by a big pipe. It will just look good - Yea, the movie looks great but not the same as I remember it decades ago. Perhaps it was timing, I had just screened Dune 2 for a small audience in my home theater. To recover from Dune 2 I went upstairs and fired up The Abyss on a TV. A transition from a dismally dark and bleak masterpiece on the big screen where Paul dumps his love interest Chani to achieve power ( - yes I read ahead and know what happens to Chani - ) to an eye candy campy sci-fi adventure/romance with a magic happy ending where the storyline sells an idealized narrative of love and the institution marriage “WIFE’ projected by the savior/super advanced alien? lifeforms saving the day for all, give me a break.

Have you run across a similar experiences where things you once thought were great became less then impressive when revisited?

NoMagicCookie 8 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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A local tv station ran THIRTEEN "Star Wars" movies on May 4th and I recorded/watched them. I'm a big fan and was really eager to spend a weekend watching them.

Hmmmm....I never noticed how ''dead'' most of the acting was. Princess Leia was genuinely uninteresting...Han Solo was an adolescent in adult clothes and we won't even talk about JarJar Binks. I wish I hadn't watched.

Years ago I ran Star Wars marathons. The first year was a solid - only stop for food - gruel fest. At the end, everybody just went to sleep in my theater (most of the seating is couch or recliner based) After that, the next few years I broke the marathon into a 2 day event where people could go home and get some sleep before finishing the marathon. Haven't run Star Wars marathons for a few years and not sure I will ever run that again. You are correct. A lot of the acting is "dead"

My favorite Star Wars movie is Rogue 1. In 3d on the big screen it is eye candy. On one screening of that movie, a guest, captain in the National Guard / nurse had to leave. He had some combat related PTSD and that movie (he sat in the front row) brought him into a combat scenario that was stress inducing.

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