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Gee... I wonder why her son is troubled....

Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) appeared in court today to support former President Donald Trump during his hush money trial. Her 18-year-old son, Tyler Boebert, currently faces felony charges for a string of vehicle and property thefts, and he appeared in trial last week without a lawyer or, reportedly, HIS MOTHER.


TheoryNumber3 8 May 18

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I'm pretty sure Bobo is practicing that "tough love" that repubs like to inflict on others. I feel so sorry for all of her children. 😢

Can you imagine having a white trash mother like her? Yikes. Better to be an orphan

@TheoryNumber3 Absolutely better to be an orphan than have that ignorant bimbo as a mother. 😉


I'm gonna hazard a guess and say Boebert has some sort of mental health issue.
She is as big a narcissist as trump.

Crazy is the new normal


The party of Family Values, clearly.

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