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The world is changing. Analysis of the huge shift in Chinese and Russian relationships.

puff 8 May 19

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The USA is a country everyone wants to emulate until they look at the cost to the majority of the citizens.

That was true but now, not so sure.
To lead by example is always the best type of leadership. This is called "soft power" when leading by example, illustrating why "my" system is superior to "yours". But soft power was abandoned with the introduction of the Patriot Act, all hard power now eg "Follow our lead or else get sanctioned then have "US freedom and democracy" imposed on you."

@puff I can't say I disagree. We are a nation of do as I say not as I do.

@PaddyO Not when I was growing up. Patriot Act was the turning point imo. Sure crap like the CIA have been doing shit a lot longer but over all, the USA inspired and set trends by example.
My country is the same unfortunately eg love telling China and others about human rights whilst we send asylum seekers to Nauru or camps in PNG to rot.

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