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Very interesting concept

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TheLiberalGent 7 May 7

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Opium for the masses.


Hell yes!!!
Post this everywhere...
Epic win


But only for a limited amount of time.


fuck yes, the religious are firmly in bed with governments and the rich fuckers.


When wealth inequality reaches a point like say right before the French Revolution, and the rich flout their excesses, while the poor are literally dying of starvation, nothing will stop the poor from killing the rich.

When I was studying sociology in college, in the criminology courses I learned that religion and fer of punishment have little or no influence on how law abiding a person is. The largest influence is fear of disapproval from your family, loved ones and those you love and care about.

Humans evolved as "herd" animals. To belong to a group and have a place in tht group makes people feel safe, because congregating in groups provided safety for our animal ancestors and those instincts still act on and influence us. So, we generally behave in ways which won't endanger our membership or standing in the group(s) to which we belong. That is probably the most useful and consistently true single predictor of human behavior.

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