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After reading this article I wonder just how much brain damage from those years of leaded gasoline use is impacting things today.

Once celebrated, an inventor’s breakthroughs are now viewed as disasters — and the world is still recovering


silverotter11 9 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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This is an ongoing problem everywhere and it only seems to get worse. There are too many unknowns to be able to certify everything is safe. We now know that it's the long term exposure to something that makes it deadly. Look at all the cigarette ads that said even doctors smoke and a survey was done to see the most popular brand (Camel).

About 22 years ago I was found to have a asymptomatic case of reflux syndrome and placed on what's known as a PPI (proton pump inhibitor). This has now shown to be one of the most common maladies for people and the incidence of esophageal cancer is tiny. PPI's were developed to lesson the impact but they were only supposed to be used short term (2 weeks or so). More and more studies have shown the long term use of these drugs can and do cause serious side effects- bone loss, inability to absorb nutrients, kidney disease, dementia and more. I am a huge fan of the People's Pharmacy and there's a ton of information about this issue which includes a 12 week period of getting off the med. Lifestyle is critical (Humphrey Bogart died from esophageal cancer - but he was also a heavy smoker). I did a food analogy test and got off all foods that were problematic and quit the meds.With a talk with my doctor I was told that some half of doctors are now questioning the long term use of this med. However, with my last talk he wanted me to go back on the meds. and with extreme techno. speak recommended other drugs to deal with any side effects.

The problem is not just the 'experts,' in their fields, but people who want simple, cheap answers. Doctors have been reduced to drug dealers and it's our own fault!


Yes the one man disaster. And yet everyone said that he was probably the kindest, most caring, and best intentioned person they ever met.

The law of unintended consequences, rules above all others.


Strangled by his own machine, eh? Poisoned by his own invention. Maybe brilliant but stupid.

That was probably the wierdest thing about the back story on the man.

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