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Claim: Memorial Day was created by former slaves to honor Union war dead.
Verdict: Mixture, mostly taken out of context and or exaggerated.

The AI chatbot also agreed, and attached below are the screenshots.

SpikeTalon 9 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Like watching a "documentary" on tv.......more qualifiers by a factor of 10 as compared to actual facts......

The facts I've seen so far would indicate the above made claim (a claim often being spread by progressives) was incorrect and or missing context.


AI output equals AI input plus ambiguity.

Or, from the chatbox’s reply I can take out the ambiguity (“…a bit unclear…”, “…evolved from…”, “…various…”, etc) and see what the chatbox started with.

The chat with the AI was the less important part in the OP. The sources linked to were more important.


Never really thought about it to be honest. Interesting question though.

That claim was brought to my attention as a number of social media posts (including on this site) have recently been pushing that narrative, all the while leaving out key details and context.

I'm sure my response to such a claim would be considered by some to be picky, but I value (all) key details and proper context.

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