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The Trump Verdict: Unmasking Government Corruption and the Battle for the Republic

The Dems just slapped Trump with 34 fabricated “felonies” in a farcical trial overseen by a corrupt judge. These 34 guilty verdicts absolutely reek of desperation, lawlessness, and unbridled arrogance from the illegitimate regime squatting in the White House.

This perfectly underscores what we’ve been saying since the sham 2020 election: these people are power-hungry despots masquerading as democratically elected leaders. Their actions have turned America into a global laughingstock in judicial circles, with the world now seeing our justice system as nothing more than a puppet show.

Mike Adams commented on the situation, stating, “Fake President Biden says the Trump verdict shows no one is above the law. Unless your name is Biden, Clinton, Bush, Albright, McCain, Powell, Mayorkas, Blinken, Nuland or Obama….”

But mark our words, this circus act will blow up spectacularly in the Democrats’ faces, rallying a huge wave of support for Trump, including from people who aren’t even his fans. Here are a few screenshots of posts from just a few angry voters and donors:

1patriot 7 June 2

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