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A must-see documentary. I have been following channels like My Lunch Break on Youtube/Rumble and Mind Unveiled for awhile. For those that do not want to sit through a two or three hour video, this is a great overview of the lies told about the Old World Civilization.

If the media is filled with liars, then the history books are the Grand Daddy of Falsehood. In this doc, it asks how was it possible, pre-power tool civilization were human beings able to create such magnificent structures with such large proportions (look at the doorways)? Yes, you could argue that there were master craftsmen back then, but how were they able to build such structures in one to two years? Think about most building projects today... even after the paperwork, modest buildings seem to take years to make.

But no, according to Wikipedia, some of these buildings, the size of palaces, no problem, two years. How was this possible when back then, the population of most of these cities were so low? It would have meant one in two or three people were involved in construction to pull off such undertakings. Moreover, many times no one building company is mentioned. Or when we see photos of 'construction', we scaffolding in front of a fully-formed building.

Next there is the 'Great Fire' Narrative. It is unbelievable how many fires there were in the 1800s. And if you look at where they took place, mostly in North America and parts of South America and Asia (Europe would be set ablaze in wartime during the 1900s). I am certain these fires were started in order to destroy these structures. Or how is that so many fires happened at the same time or in the same year? Too much of a coincidence. Or that many of these buildings are said to be the second or third version of a church or law court. The previous versions were destroyed, you guessed it, a fire. Yet how is it that we have wood-burning fireplaces made of stone and brick and these cities of massive granite and marble just melted away like Mauii? (Which is mentioned in the doc.) Moreover, back then, how is that they were able to build such structures but their fire departments were unable to contain said fires? A civilization that crafts such beauty and no adequate means of protecting it? Like building a museum to house great art and letting monkeys guard it. I don't buy it. It is easy to believe people could be careless. But hey look at Notre Dame and the recent fire in Copenhagen. Old World structures attacked, the one in Denmark during renovation. "Nothing suspicious there" a person without a brain might surmise. "Just a fire," and they will quote the media.

I truly believe the architecture of today, along with the music, medicine and media (films, TV, books, magazines) are meant to makes us weaker, feel inadequate and depress us. Idiot academics will argue that Brutalist (all concrete architecture) is beautiful and 'you don't understand it'. I know in my heart of hearts, this world is sick and what contributes to the sickness is ignorance and trust in government/the media, both going hand-in-hand

As for Stew Peters, I know how some feel about him. But the people in this doc have brilliant points to make. For me, this doc presents a few new tidbits but for those getting their feet wet for the first time, a great place to start. Worth the 90 minutes and that's hard to stay in an age of podcasters/content creators that take two and three hours to get to the bloody point. []

1patriot 8 June 3

Enjoy being online again!

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