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If you want to know what a man's like ...

snytiger6 9 June 4

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Wise words for a transphobic bigoted ass….🤠

She has been very vocal time and again with her bigoted hateful views….especially towards transgender people!😒


When you refer to others as "inferiors", that tells me a whole lot about you, and it ain't good. I didn't think l liked her, and now l know why.

I took "inferiors" to mean persons below you in hierarchy, such as a person who is an employee instead of an employer. The language usage is pretty dated, but still makes its point.

@snytiger6 She should have said subordinate. She is an author. She does know the language.

@Sticks48 i won't argue that she could have used better terminology. However, she does live in England where her usage is still not totally uncommon. The language use in England caters to royals and royalty. We may speak English in the U.S., but there are many culturatl differences in the usage of certain vocabulary, which are mostly cultural. Without the printed word and mass media, there's actually be many more differences in the spoken and written English language around the world.

@snytiger6 l didn't care for her before this. She is a talented writer, as a human, for me she leaves a lot to be disired.

@Sticks48 I think every person in history who has been admired for some qualities of theirs also had some aspects to them that were not admirable at all. Everyone is just only human. Nobody is perfect.

@snytiger6 True but her attitude toward gay and trans people is something l can't abide. Bigotry is never excusable for me.

@Sticks48 I believe she just has a problem with trans persons. After all in one interview she said she envisioned Dumbledore as beign gay. I suspect she just could not make it obvious in a book geared towards a younger audience.

I happen to be gay myself. I tend to like to give persons the benefit of a doubt that they just lack the educational background and information, and if they had acquired the knowledge without feeling coerced they would change their minds.

As I have said pretty much every people who are admired have some aspects about them which is not admirable at all. I like to think if given a choice and if they don't feel coerced, that they would try to be better people, until proven otherwise.

@snytiger6 l know you are gay. I see what you are saying, but bigotry is bigotry, and is never ok with me when aimed at whoever anyone chooses to be is not hurting anyone else.

@Sticks48 I don't like or accept bigotry either. Strangely, I was raised to be prejudicial and bigoted, but it didn't stick. Probably because I never felt I fit in to my parents religion. I think my having been raised that way, and having traveled a long road to self acceptance, and having many family members who never got past how we were raised has just made me more tolerant of persons who haven't (yet) overcome their own learned bigotries. It is much more comfortable to just go along than to swim against the tide. Some people just are not strong enough (yet) to do that.


I like Rowling, despite some nasty claims that she's transphobic, which I think is untrue.

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