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I'm trying something on Youtube That I have not seen and would like your feedback! Today i put up a video about choosing the best Bible. This is for Christians as most Christians wish to simply defend their favorite version, I went with explaining what the bible is, a little about its origins and problems with it. In particular I went into the fact that there are many Bible canons. That is many books with a various amount of books in it called the Bible. How do we know which one is Gods Bible?

It is my intent to be actually educational, and provide a perspective of objectivity that Christians do not have and promote thought to help Christians ask the right questions. The most important part is near the end If you do not wish to be bored.

Please let me know how I did.

DavidLaDeau 8 May 7

Enjoy being online again!

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You did a good job - well put together and thoughtful. I listened, but found it a bit difficult simply because I'm not a Christian and frankly don't care which bible is the imaginary friend's version. I could see this possibly inspiring some thought amongst those who take the bible as gospel however !

Yes, I was longer than I had intended. I wanted to show how ambigious the Bible actually is. Thank you!


I am always amazed that very few Christians don't know there is not just one Bible canon and not just one translation.
You ask "which Bible?"
They will almost certainly say
"The Holy Bible!"

These are exactly the people I wish to reach.

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