5 14

It would only be fair.

Betty 8 June 10

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Only in the United $tates of Absurdity is it possible for a convicted felon to become President.


Just FYI "felon" doesn't keep you from getting a job or renting or being a "professional." A guy with a murder conviction became a member of the Arizona Bar Association. Of course we don't want the 34x felon (not to mention his other crimes) anywhere near the White House, but just sayin'.

lerlo Level 8 June 10, 2024

It does limit opportunities. There are exceptions, of course.


Either that or don't add the name to the voter's list, so idiotic supporters can't vote for one.


And they can vote too......


I am in complete agreement. It makes absolutely no sense. I wonder why Al Capone didn't run for president.

That would be no doubt be the syphilis, but the principle is sound.

Syphillis? Or Sisyphus? LOL

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