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This dude has been bought off so much ...

snytiger6 9 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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His utter lack of anything resembling morals and ethics was very obvious when he was first put forth for SCOTUS, both by those who worked with him and his response to their criticism. Anyone who is surprised by his corruption is a fool. Doesn't matter though, no matter how badly the people at the top screw up, the system makes sure that they never face any consequences.

In his book "Blinded By The Right", which came out over 20 years ago now, David Brock talks about how he was hired to do a hit piece book on Anita Hill, and how republicans didn't care if any of it was true, just so long as it got Thomas confirmed.

When he left working for the right wing, he said he encountered fact checkers for the first time in his writing career, as the right wing never bothered to fact check. He says it makes him feel a lot better about his work, knowing what he is now writing is accurate and true.

He has since apologized to Anita Hill for the role he played in her defamation.

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